A Mixed-Method Study on Effect of Celebrity Endorsement towards Purchase Intention with Mediating Roles: Quality Perception and Brand Attitude
In the case of Samsung Smartphone and celebrity Dian Sastrowardoyo in the Indonesian context, the study attempts to clarify the impact of celebrity endorsers on consumers' purchase intentions through the mediation of customer's perception of quality and customer's attitude towards the brand. Due to the pandemic's requirement that numerous activities be done online, the intensity of mobile phone use has also increased. Samsung capitalized on this trend by employing celebrity endorsements to flood various social media, particularly YouTube, with commercials. The results reveal that not all elements of a celebrity’s endorsement impact purchase intention. Perception of quality and attitude towards brand only mediate some elements. This mixed method study employed survey data from 252 people living or working in Jakarta, analyzed statistically using SEM-PLS and proceeded with the interview process. The study indicates that, aside from focusing on the qualities of celebrity endorsers, smartphone companies in particular need to anticipate some potential substitutes. Limitations of the study are also outlined, and directions for future research are considered too.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30813/bmj.v19i1.3681
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