ANALISIS PROGRAM KAMPANYE PUBLIC RELATIONS DALAM RANGKA KONSERVASI TERUMBU KARANG (Studi Deskriptif Program Penyadaran Masyarakat pada Yayasan Terumbu Karang Indonesia)

Yenli Me, Nelly Wati


Indonesia as the centre of biodiversity, especially in coral reefs, still exploit irresponsibly on coral reefs. Awareness and understanding of ecosystem, benefit, and impacts from damaged coral reefs is very low. The analysis data method in this research uses “Four Steps of Strategic Planning Public Relations” with the aim to find out and get a depth good result regarding the Public Awareness Program of The Indonesian Coral Reef Foundation. The result through this research has founded where the activities of Public Awareness Program has been executed based on The Indonesian Coral Reef Foundation vision, mission, and values. The effective communication strategies have been implemented such as active campaign socialization especially to its stakeholders and public in general. The conclusion based on the executed analyses in the research shows that the Public Awareness program is a Public Relations campaign strategy that show responsibility and commitment in every of its activities. According to The Indonesian Coral Reef Foundation, the result of this program also has positive responses in order to speak-out conservation message and manage sustainable resources.


Keyword : Coral reefs, public relations, non profit

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