Michael Christian
Consumers often compare the place where they buy product based on experience. Several factors become their main consideration, such as service quality, product, and promotion offered. Perceived congruence related to the same aspects of the visit/buying experiences, is compared to more than one channels of a retailer in selling its products. Unfortunately, there are gaps in consumer’s experiences which challenge retailers to establish strategy in gaining and maintaining consumers. This research aims to investigate the impact of store and website image to perceived congruence based on the buying orientation. The Structural Equation Modellng (SEM) is implemented to analyze data collected from 140 respondents having the experience in visiting Matahari store department and Mataharimall.com on the last six months. The result shows that perceived congruence is influenced by store image and website image. Further, consumer’s buying orientation impacts both of the channels. Researchers are suggested to investigate the retail image to explain the impact of perceived congruence. Keywords: outlet image, website image, perceived congruence
UNIVERSITAS BUNDA MULIA PRESS PROGRAM STUDI MAGISTER MANAJEMEN Lantai 3 Ruang Pascasarjana - Universitas Bunda Mulia Jl. Lodan Raya No. 2, Ancol – Jakarta Utara 14430, Indonesia Telp: +62 21 692 9090 ext.1317 Email: jobamubm@gmail.com
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