Psibernetika is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Psychology Department of Bunda Mulia University. Psibernetika accepts scientific articles particularly industrial and organisational psychology topics and other psychology areas including social psychology, educational psychology, clinical psychology and developmental psychology. The journal has been indexed by:
1.Google scholar
2. Portal Garuda Dikti
4. Dimensions
5. Crossref
6. MendeleyPsibernetika publishes the printed version and electronic version every twice a year in April and October. Every article will be registered in Crossref to obtain DOI number.

Article Submission Vol. 14 No.1 2021 |
We are welcomed to all psychology researchers for article submission in our journal. Psibernetika vol 14 No.1 2021 will be published in April. The latest article submission: 15 January 2021. Please do submit the arcticle through this website. |
Posted: 2020-12-04 | |||
Journal Accreditaion SINTA 4 |
Posted: 2020-12-03 | |||
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Vol 17, No 2 (2024): Psibernetika
Table of Contents
Ratih Ilmi Putri
Puti Bidara Suri
Andhra Octora Wiwansyah Putri, Regina Yunita Fitri, Khiyara Hidayatul Makna, Miranda Helvira, Briliana Falasifa Shofrotun, Liliyana Sari
Syifarani Putri, Rahmawati Lubis, Safira Farsya, Shanty Komalasari
Rizki Indriana Wulan Savitri
Alicia Augustine Margaretha
Khoirur Reza, Vara Dwi Wahyuni, Risa Munna Asrofiyah, Miftakhul Jannah