The purpose of this study isto analyze the differences water conservation behavior between people in developing countries and people in developed countries based on their time perspective. People in developing countries are more less likely tend to apply the water conservation behavior than people in developed countries. These differences are predicted have correlation with their time perspective orientations. This study is using literature analysis with interpretive – qualitative approach. The results of analysis is showed that people in developing countries tend to do not apply the water conservation behavior because the impact of water crisis still has not come yet, it is related to their time perspective are present orientation. Otherwise, the people in developed countries already implemented water conservation behavior although the impact of water crisis has not happened, it is also related to theirtime perspective are future orientation. The results from this study can be use as information especially for people in developing countries to decide what they must to be react with crisis water phenomenon that predicted will be happen in their country, so can be prevent crisis water sustainably.
Keywords: Time perspective, pro-environmental behavior, water conservation behavior
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