Handi Kurniawan, Debora Basaria Yulianti


The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not differences in stress and coping of stress on students or students who have the personality type A and type B, especially in the face of national examinations. The approach used in this study is a quantitative approach. This study is a non-experimental research because it does not look for causal relationships as well as in experimental research. Furthermore, the methods used in this study is a survey method.
From the test results of the Independent Samples t-test to see differences in stress, at a 0.05 significance level test value t = -1.632 and df = 188, t table shows the number t = 1.960, meaning t count <t table. It can be concluded that there was no difference in stress in male and female students who have the personality type A and type B in the national exams. Furthermore, based on hypothesis testing with the Mann-Whitney test to see differences in coping with stress, p-value = 0.319. With the significance level α = 0.05 then the inferred p-value = 0.319> α = 0.05. These results showed no difference in coping with the stress on students who have the personality type A and type B in the national exams.
Thus the research hypothesis that states there are different levels of stress and coping of stress on students who have the personality type A and type B in the face of the national exam was rejected.

Keywords: Ujian Nasional, Stres, Coping, Personality

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