Contructive learning is defined as an active learning process where students’ construct their knowledge, concept and ideas based on their prior knowledge. Students’ motivation to learn is defined as a psychological energy within the indivual student which then arouses the act of learning and learning activities. The purpose of this research is to prove whether or not there is a correlation between students’ perception on appliend concept of contructive learning by teachers’ and students’ motivation to learn. The independent variable in this study is students’ perception on applied concept of contructive learning by teachers’. The dependent variable in this study is students’ motivation to learn. The subjects involved in this research are students’ in their third year at SMU 6 Yogyakarta, age 17-19 years old, male and female, undertakes the subject of science registered in the school. The data was analyzed by the product moment technique, meanwhile observation and interviews were analyzed by means oh qualitative methods. The result of this research verifies that there is a very significant correlation between the independent and dependent variable. Whereas the coefficient correlation results are r = 0,367 and p = 0,000. This indicates that the result between two variable involved are very significant because p ‹ 0,05.
Keywords : constructive learning concept, students’ learning motivation
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