Developing and maintaining a romantic relationship is a young adulthood‟s development task. Relationship contingency of self-worth has known as one of its factor. Grounded on Sanchez and Kwang‟s (2007) study, RCSW could cause body shame. Hence, it was important to find a self-aspect which could lessen RCSW‟s negative impact, that was self-efficacy in romantic relationship (SERR). This study examined to identify RSCW and SERR predictions toward body shame, also identified SERR‟s presence as the moderator of RCSW and body shame. A self-report measurement was done to 186 individuals aged 21-40 years old in Jabodetabek. By using regression techniques, it was found that RCSW could predict body shame positively and SERR could predict body shame negatively. Yet there was no moderation effect of SERR on RCSW and body shame relationship.
Keywords: romantic relationship; contingency; body shame; self-efficacy
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