Excess or lack of weight has a negative risk in children. Cross-sectional study in 3227 parents who have 5-6 years old children showed that children who have excess or lack of weight can have quality of life disorders related to physical health problems. The results of research conducted by Tapper also found that attitudes towards breakfast habits become behavioral predictions breakfast. But it turns out in fact that it is not always proven. Therefore, researchers wanted to see whether attitudes towards breakfast habits have a correlation with the level of a person's weight or not. This research used a correlation type. Participants in this study were 127 students of SD "X" in East Jakarta. Sample selection techniques used in this study was judgmental sampling. Its measurement using a scale of attitudes towards breakfast habits, adaptation of the questionnaire from Tapper, consisting of 13 items. The results of the present study was, calculate the value of r acquired (0.082), then it can be concluded that there was no correlation between attitudes towards breakfast habits with body weight levels in elementary school children.
Keywords: Attitude, Breakfast, Body Weight
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