The aim of Study orientation and College Introduction (Orientasi Studi dan Pengenalan Kampus/Ospek) is to give early introduction for new students about a various aspects of college life. Orientation activity divided into university, faculty, and majoring orientation. The main university orientation activity which is held for three days would be extended in faculty and majoring for about 3 months or 1 year and should be attended by all of the new students. Orientation activity usually characterized by mentally challenging activitiy and strong stigma of harshness or violence. Orientation phenomenon is called hazing or bullying. Bullying is described as an oppression, bullying, hazing, extortion, exclusion, and intimidation. Bullying which is happen during orientation tend to valued as stressful situation, therefore each student have to have resilience. Resilience is one’s ability to deal with and to overcome life stressor and perceiving negative experiences as a valuable experience so that one can change to a better life. Resilient people has a several determining factors, included self-esteem and social support. The aim of this research is to examine the significant effect of self-esteem and social support to student’s resilience to deal with bullying experience in college. Sample in this research is 180 participants, using the snowball sampling technique and given measurement instrument such as questionnaires using a Likert scale to measure self-esteem, social support, and resilience. Data analysis in this research using Multiple Regression Analysis with a significance level 0.05. Based on data analysis obtained score R = 0,669, R2 = 0,448. The result of this research concluded that there is a significant effect of self-esteem and social support to resilience. The result showed the proportion of variance explained by all the resilience independent variable is equal to 44.8%, while 55.2% is influenced by other variables outside of research.
Keywords: self-esteem; social support; resilience; student
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