The rise of coffee shop business in Indonesia makes both global and local brands also compete to reach the position in the minds of consumers. An interesting phenomenon is that there are many students who participate in it. Though a serving of coffee sold at a price that is not cheap, given that not all students have a status of side jobs. One coffee shop brand most widely mentioned when done pre-test is Starbucks Coffee.
Using qualitative research methods with case study designs, this study interviewed 20 informants who were all active students from several universities in Jakarta. The impact of the pattern of life on the basis of commodity fetishism, the consumerism accumulated in the lifestyle can lead to an avid or in the formal language of hedon to continue to desire for material satisfaction. The emergence of this on the basis of the motivation, which is referred to as hedonic motivation.
For this reason this research wants to know how student consumerism toward Starbucks Coffee in the framework of commodity fetishism theory and hedonis motivation in order to help advance the local products that move in the field of culinary, especially coffee drinks.
Keywords: brand, commodity fetishism, consumerism, hedonic motivation.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30813/ncci.v0i0.1266
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