Maximizing the interests of shareholders through increasing company value is one of the goals the company wants to achieve. To achieve these objectives, the company must pay attention to several things including implementing good corporate governance, paying attention to social and environmental interests so as not to intersect and improve the ability of its human resources.
This study focuses on the implementation of corporate governance proxied by the proportion of independent board of commissioners and the number of audit committees, disclosure of corporate social responsibility and intellectual capital as well as examining its effect on firm value in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2014-2016
The statistical method in this study uses multiple regression analysis, where the independent variable is the proportion of independent commissioners, the number of audit committees, coporate social responsibility disclosure (CSRD) and intellectual capital proxied by value added intellectual capital (VAIC). Whereas the dependent variable is the value of the company proxied by Tobin's Q
The results of this study indicate that the audit committee affects the value of the company while the proportion of independent board of directors, coporate social responsibility disclosure and value added intellectual capital does not have an influence on the value of the company.
Keywords: Corporate Value, Proportion of Independent Commissioners, Audit Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility, Intellectual CapitalFull Text:
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