Hospitality Industry is one of the influential industries to support economic
growth in Indonesia, the culinary industry is one of it. The incraseing number of
culinary industries certainly requires considerable human resources, along with that
situation, young workers or millenial generation is currently in a productive age.
However, in fact, amid the development of this culinary industry, the leader experienced
some difficulties, one of them is to balance the demands of customers in this era of
globalization that critical enough for a product or service that they will use, along with
millenials workers who tend to be difficult to regulate. The discussion of this research is
how leaders in the culinary industry address this phenomenon, as well as the
appropriate leadership style for this situation.
Keywords : Hospitality Industry, Leadership, Millenials, Culture Organization, Climate Organization
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30813/ncci.v0i0.1292
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