Private label ini Indionesia growth rapidly significant. This shows that there is considerable opportunity for the development of private labels. The purpose of this study was to determine how much influence the store image and perceived price have on the private label brand. This research takes Hero Supermarket objects as a place to study. The type of data used is primary data obtained from the questionnaire with likert scale measurement. This study uses non-probability sampling technique as a technique in data collection. The sample collected in this study amounted to 180 respondents. The variables examined in this study are store image and perceived price as independent variables, private label prestige brand as the dependent variable. Data analysis using PLS-SEM with Smart PLS 3.0 software.The data processing results found that H1 was accepted because there was a positive and significant influence from the Store Image on Perceived quality in Hero Supermarket, with a test value of 3.689, H2 was received because the Store Image had a significant influence on the Loyalty, with a significance value of 3.263. H3 received from the Store Image has a significant influence on Brand Awareness on Hero Supermarket, with a significance test value of 3.052. H4 is accepted seen from the Perceived price has a significant effect on Perceived quality in Hero Supermarket, with a significance test value of 7.039. Then H5 is accepted seen from the Perceived price has a significant influence on Loyalty in Hero Supermarket, with a significance test value of 6.356. H6 Received seen from Perceived price has a significant influence on Brand Awareness on Hero Supermarket, with a significance test value of 5.383. Based on the results of the research, Hero Supermarket must improve better service and better store image so that consumers feel more comfortable and more loyal to the Hero Supermarket
Keywords: Store image, Perceived Price, Perceived Quality, Loyalty, BrandAwareness/Associations, Private Label Brand Prestige
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