At present, the whole world including Indonesia is facing a disruptive era where the change is happened continuously, very fast, unpredictable and complex. Competition that is no longer linear makes companies must be able to make business models more innovative and disturbing strategies. Therefore, companies in Indonesia need the leaders who have the ability to see disruptive era as a challenging opportunity to grow and innovate not as a troublesome burden. The formation of ambidextrous abilities is believed built from the leader's mindset and will have an impact on their actions and choices: disrupting or disrupted. The research objectives are to known the impact of disruptive mindset to the ambidextrous abilities and the influence to company's performance in the disruptive era. The analysis method used is PLS (Partial Least Square) with sample of 85 respondents. The research results show that ambidextrous abilities are affected by disruptive mindset, company’s performance is affected by ambidextrous abilities, and the company’s performance is affected by disruptive mindset directly and indirectly.
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