ABSTRACT This study analyses how the Middle East tourists travel patterns in Bandung based on tourist profile and motivation movement patterns. The purpose of this studies to investigate how Middle East tourist travel patterns based on tourist profile and motivation movement patterns in Bandung. This research used descriptive with qualitative approach, involving 3 Middle East tourists as informants. The data were analyses by assigning codes to categorize information, identifying patterns and connection between categories, and interpreting the data from the multiple sources. This result show that the Middle East tourist profiles belonging to middle and upper class tourist and based on the tourist typology, Middle East tourist include into the category of near phischocentric and tend to approach the Mid-centric. Middle East tourist very interested to explore tourist attraction in Bandung. However Bandung still need to be improved, especially some points related to the limitation of professional expertise in several tourism service sectors who able to perform and speak Arabic well.
Keywords: Travel pattern, Tourist profile, Travel pattern motivation, Middle East Tourist
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30813/ncci.v0i0.1252
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