ABSTRACT: Accomodation providers such as hospitality alsousing the internet as a media for online promotion and sales through a website. Prospective guests can get any information quickly through the media website. In some hotels, it is known that prospective hotel guests make more purchases online through Online Travel Agents (OTAs) who collaborate with hotels rather than reservations through websites owned by the hotel itself. Although the level of occupancy through online reservation is high, the level of occupancy through hotel website is low. This shows that prospective guests are more interested in making purchases through OTA outside the hotel website, this condition causes the hotel to finally get a small profit because of the high share of profit costs with OTA ranging from 17-35%. This is certainly detrimental to the hotel. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the quality of online services for hotel website reservations. Based on the background described above, it is necessary to conduct research on "Analysis of E-Service Quality Web Reservation of 4-star Hotels in Bandung City". The research method used in this study is descriptive quantitative research. Data collection techniques were carried out through a questionnaire with a sampling of 100 respondents. The results showed that E-Service quality 4-star hotel online reservation service from the company side was analyzed from information gap, communication gap and gap design was considered good enough, from the three factors the highest level of service quality was in communication gap where E-service quality was able to provide a good communication system for hotel guests.
Keywords: E-Service Quality, Web Reservation, Hotel
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