This research was conducted to find out what factors influenced the loyalty of Gen Y labor who worked as permanent employees and worked in Jabodetabek area. Many of the Gen Y workforce seen haven’t loyal like the previous generation that can work very long in a company. Researcher are interested to explore what factors can trigger the emergence of loyalty to appears in Gen Y. At a glance researcher consider the quality of work and job performance factors are affect the loyalty of the Gen Y labor. In this study the model used is a quantitative research model that serves to see whether there is a positive and significant relationship between the variables that affect the loyalty of Gen Y labor, such as the quality of work life and job performance. The data used in this study are primary data obtained directly through distributed questionnaires, as well as library search through journals as secondary data, to compare and examine what variables are positively affected and can affect the quality of work life and job performance so that can create loyalty.During the research, the researcher found that some variables were allegedly able to increase the loyalty of the Gen Y labor in addition to quality of work life and performance, including compensation, career development and social support that simultaneously affected this research.Keywords: Loyalty, Employee, Gen Y
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Jogiyanto, H.M. dan Willy Abdillah, 2016. Konsep Dan Aplikasi PLS (Partial Least Square) Untuk Penelitian Empiris. BPFE, Yogyakarta.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30813/ncci.v0i0.1235
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