The increasing number of internet users in Indonesia in recent years greatly affect the growth of e-commerce business. One of the fast growing business is online travel services such as Traveloka, Tiket.com, Agoda, Pegipegi and so on. Online travel services are very diverse facilities, ranging from the procurement of websites to the manufacture of applications. The quality of online services (e-Service Quality) can facilitate efficiently and effectively in the purchase, sales, and delivery of both products and services. E-Service Quality or E-ServQual is a new version of Service Quality (ServQual). E-ServQual is developed to evaluate a service provided on the Internet network. The dimensions of E-ServQual used in the study are 8 dimensions, there are website design, reliability, responsiveness, security, fulfillment, personalization, information, and empathy. The sample used in this research is purposive sampling counted 38 respondents. The sample selection is based on experience using online travel agent in Indonesia. This research is using factor analysis to find out the new dimension construct on e-ServQual towards online travel agencies (OTA) in Indonesia.
Keyword: e-ServQual, e-commerce, Online Travel Agent (OTA).
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30813/ncci.v0i0.1228
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