Yana Erlyana, Henny Hidajat


Recycling is one of the efforts that can be done to save the environment and can be a fun activity to do together. There are so many benefits that can be extracted from recycling activities and of course it will be very valuable for children. 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) is an innovation in order to provide learning media for early childhood. In addition to learning to take advantage of children's recycling waste, the purpose of this training is also to learn how to sharpen the motor by adding origami elements to the recycling work in the form of piggy bank that has been made. This study uses a collaborative and participatory action research method (PAR), which is a research activity carried out by involving the community so that they feel that they have a stake in the activity program and intends to participate actively in solving community-based problems. This study uses respondents of children aged 7-9 years who are from the Dharma Suci RPTRA located in North Jakarta. The results of this study show that children give positive responses in the development of fine motor skills by making hand movements cutting, sticking and folding. The selection of used milk boxes is quite appropriate, because most of them see and have used milk boxes in each respondent's house. Children love the theme of endangered animals because, these animals are not animals that they can see everyday. The choice of piggy bank as a form of processed processed goods made them enthusiastic to start saving early.
Keywords: Children’s Motor, Recycling, Origami

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30813/jpk.v4i1.2080


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