The poverty rate of Jakarta society is increasingly worrisome. The increase in the number of urban poor affects the level of security, and social inclination. Posmodern tourism perspective photographed the other side of the urban poor in its role in developing tourism in the Old Town area of Jakarta. The existence of the urban poor like two sides of the coin. There are rich and poor, prosperous and prosperous, there is evil and good. This is correlated with the rapid development of the city of Jakarta. The urban poor are marginalized from the socio-economic aspect. The empirical facts of the urban poor population that exist in the Old Town area of Jakarta are looking for luck in the region. The limited capital, skills, and opportunities make the urban poor look for ways to survive. Postmodern tourism provides solutions to stakeholders related to urban poor communities in the Old Town of Jakarta. The solution reconciles that the urban poor become assets rather than problems. This concept became the focus of this research. The recommendation of this research tries to make urban poor society as an integrated part with management and development of Jakarta Old Town Area.
Keywords: urban poor society, postmodern tourism
Full Text:
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