Game development is growing rapidly in this digital era. The graphic is also increasing more and more, especially in Three Dimensional space (3D). 3D game development is spreading around Indonesia. Now there are more local companies which making 3D games. Indonesia is one of the countries in Southeast Asia that have good enough game revenue to be the biggest one. One of the popular genre in Indonesia is survival horror. That’s because horror Indonesian stories is still have many unsolved mysterious things which can attract either domestic or foreign society. This study is including research about visualization such as 3D object from the environments and character designs. Furthermore, game also getting influenced with its system which is played by user, and its storytelling as well. The game’s layout (user interface) will categorized as a good one if it match with its theme and being consistent in visual and control. Good game must paying attention with all of those points. The conclusion of this research is to prove if 3D survival horror game visualization in Indonesia can be rated good enough in creative game industries.
Game, Survival Horror, Visual Research
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30813/ncci.v0i0.1317
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