A leader of the State must have full authority and modality. However, Jokowi during his
leadership has a unique and different characteristic of communication, especially the
way in distribution of Indonesian smart card which is called Kartu Indonesia Pintar
that he created to overcome the problem of education.
The purpose of this research is to know the real communication style of our Country
leader Jokowi, from the perspective of rhetoric and analyzed from three existing
rhetorical evidence namely ethos, pathos and logos. It does not stop there, then it will
be analyzed with six communication styles.
This research was conducted by using qualitative descriptive method seen from a video
of Jokowi distributing Kartu Indonesia Pintar at SMKN 3 Kupang. This study uses
tradition and theory of rhetoric and public communication. The findings of this study
show that the three rhetorical evidence is in Jokowi and two-way communication style
is very attached to Jokowi's self.
Keywords: Jokowi, Rhetoric, Communication Style, Kartu Indonesia Pintar
Full Text:
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