The government of Indonesia, lead by Jokowi and Jusuf Kalla, has targeted to attract 20
million foreign tourists by 2019. East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is one of many tourist
destinations in Indonesia that possess beautiful nature scenery. The NTT Tourism Office
informs its magnificent destinations through website. This research seeks to understand
the brand destination of NTT that is communicated through the official website
managed by The Tourism Office. The methodology in this research uses Laura
Oswald’s marketing semiotics. This study has shown that the brand destination of NTT
are nature tourism and religious tourism. Further, tourist destinations in NTT are
packaged as a place that is good for both physical and spiritual, as well as targeting
tourists who live daily in urban areas. In addition, another major finding is the main
target of NTT tourism is local tourist. This contrasts with the government’s effort to
attract foreign tourists.
Keywords : Pariwisata NTT, Marketing Semiotics, Brand Destination, dan Semiotika
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