Claudia Bhara Praditta


This study aims to find out how the application of the principles of Good Corporate Governance in the effort of PT. PLN realize the program of Papua Light. PT PLN (Persero) conducts the development of electricity infrastructure in Papua and West Papua. The method of research analysis used in this research is literature study research method. In this study the author uses historical analysis. Data collection techniques in this study is documentation, which is looking for data about things or variables in the form of notes, books, papers or articles, journals. This research gives results that PLN has implemented the principles of Good Corporate Governance in running the Papua Terang Program. PLN has applied the principles of transparency, accountability, independent responsiveness, and fairness (equality and fairness). In the early run of Papua Light program, PLN is planning a program to fulfill its obligation to provide electricity facilities in Indonesia. After the emergence of PLN in cooperation with 5 (five) State Universities and related agencies then equip the volunteers and expedition team with all the information. The author hopes in running the national programs BUMN, especially PLN still apply the Principles of Good Corporate Governance.


Keyword: Good Corporate Governance, Public Service

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