Agustrijanto Agustrijanto, Dyah Kusumawati


Kelenteng Kampit in the East Belitung is one of tourist destinations religious and it is very interesting . Tourism religious like this composes view the majority of the community about the function the temple become more wise, from limited only to inform understood as personal areas vertical relations people by The Lord has become a tourist destination for mutual open itself up and respect fellow / between adherent of the religion or faith . Tolerance between religious communities go well in Beltim , especially between Moslem and Buddhist. Research on tourism marketing campaigns strategy Kelenteng Kampit in the local government Beltim it uses the qualitative method with the approach qualitative descriptive , and appreciate communication theory a campaign that emphasizes communication a message that its operation the workshop uses . It uses in the study paradigm constructivism. This research is expected can give advice , inspiration , and ideas about the importance of convey messages of  peace tour through religious in Kelenteng Kampit. This research can resumed to writing or similar research


Keyoword: Communication , marketing, tourism , religious tourism

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