Rina Nur Chasanah, Oktafalia Marisa Muzammil, Janny Rowena


Based on the data held by the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII), around 143 million people have been connected to the internet network throughout the past 2017. The majority of internet users as many as 72.41% of the urban community with the use of, among others, to communicate, buy goods, order transportation, to do business and work. As many as 49.52% of internet users in the country are those aged 19 to 34 years, who are generation Y or millennial generation. In line with the development of internet users in Indonesia, the behavior of consumers in making purchases has changed (shifting), from those who previously made purchases through physical stores, now shopping online is an option for today's society. The results of a recent survey from the Snapcart research institute in January 2018 revealed that the millennial generation has become the largest shopper in the e-commerce sector, which is as much as 50%.The subjects of the research study were 100 millennials consumers who made purchasing decisions on e-commerce platform. The object of his research is about experiential marketing which consists of 5 variables including marketing sense, think marketing, marketing act, marketing feel and marketing relationship to purchasing decisions on e-commerce platform. In this study researchers will use a questionnaire. The method of analysis that researchers use is multiple regression. The aim of the research is to see whether there is a significant influence of experiential marketing on millennial consumer purchasing decisions on e-commerce platforms. The results of the study revealed that the variable feel, think and act influence the purchasing decisions of millennials on e-commerce platforms. While sense and relate variables do not affect the millennial generation purchasing decisions on e-commerce platforms with a 95% confidence level. 

Keywords: experiential marketing, purchasing decisions

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