Thennia Sari, Henilia Yulita


This study was conducted with the subject of the employees at PT. FAJAR LESTARI SEJATI, Jakarta which is located at JL. Daan Mogot km 12.8 comp. Daan Mogot Prima kav 3 no 2 West Jakarta 11740. This study aims to determine the influence of the influence of emotional intelligence and psychological capital on employee engagement in PT. Really true fajar, Jakarta. In this research explain whether there is influence of emotional intelligence and psychological capital to employee's attachment with sample used is 99 employees of PT. Fajar Lestari Sejati, Jakarta. To analyze the data using SPSS version 23.0 for windows. Based on the results of the analysis shows that emotional intelligence style (X1) has an influence on employee's (Y) attachment with a value of 0.000; psychological capital (X2) has an effect on employee engagement (Y) with a value of 0.024; emotional intelligence and psychological capital affect simultaneously to employee engagement with a 0.000 significance.


Keywords: Emotional intelligence, psychological capital, employee engagement

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