Based on Fauzi and Oktavianus (2014), in Indonesia itself the social and economic level in Indonesia is in contrast to environmental development in Indonesia itself. The hospitality industry that operates 24 hours a day starts thinking about ways to reduce waste and they emphasize new practices that can cut their waste disposal costs, protect and conserve nature. Double Tree by Hilton as a five-star hotel tries a new step called "Bye-bye Plastic" as a movement to reduce plastic waste in hotels.
The data in this study are qualitative and use a case study approach. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observations, literature studies, and documents from the Hotel. To measure the level of effectiveness of plastic waste management, especially in the 2018 Bye-bye Plastic Program, the author uses the theory of the Cyprus Sustainable Tourism Initiative Theory (2017) regarding four good waste management steps.
The conclusion of this study is that waste management in Double Tree by Hilton with the Bye-bye Plastic 2018 program is not effective where, from all four stages of waste management, everything has not been done and it works perfectly. Only in the first stage has there been action but the results have not been maximized. The advice that can be given is that the hotel must reevaluate this program, starting from the detailed program planning in advance so that it can save costs and improve the quality of the environment in Double Tree by Hilton Jakarta.
Keywords: Waste Management, Plastic Waste, Hotel
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30813/ncci.v0i0.1225
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