Antonius Rizki Krisnadi



Indonesia consists of a variety of ethnic groups, each of which has its own customs, cultural arts and distinctive language, which is a source of creativity and growth. Based on the nature of the understanding of the National National Identity as described above, the national identity of a nation cannot be separated from the identity of a nation or more popular. National identity is essentially a manifestation of cultural values that grow and develop in various aspects of life. The cultural and gastronomic relationships formed due to gastronomy are cultivation products in agricultural activities so that the embodiment of the color, aroma and taste of a food can be traced back to the origin of the environment in which the raw material is produced.
The research approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. The focus in this study is the gastronomy of Betawi food as a Cultural Identity.
Based on the results of interviews with resource persons and literature studies it can be concluded that the term gastronomy emphasizes the culture or philosophy contained in traditional foods or foods in an area. Viewed from 4 stages, namely the history, culture, geography and cooking methods. From all of these stages, it is closely related to the background of a philosophy that has a role for people's lives and this is an identity of a region as a distinctive value or characteristic of the Betawi culture that must be maintained and preserved for the next generation.

Keywords: Gastronomy, Food, Betawi Culture, Cultural Identity

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