Pemanfaatan Quinoa Sebagai Bahan Substitusi Tepung Terigu Pada Muffin Cake
Muffin cake, also known as “Quick Bread”, is one of the bread products that is considered as a quick bread because it is practical and one of the type of cake that is easy to consume. This product has any variety of flavors, from salty, sweet and savory depending on the varied contents of the muffin cake. Generally, muffin cakes are made from wheat flour mixed together with other ingridients such as eggs and sugar. Wheat flour can be said to be the most important ingridients in the success of the product. The role of wheat flour has taken a very large number, 55% used in the total production of the bread and cakes companies so it slowly threaten the level of dependence of the Indonesian people on wheat which continues to increase every year. To reduce this dependency rate, researches developed a muffin cake product that originally made from wheat flour which was substitute into quinoa as its raw material. The Quinoa-based muffin cake will be developed into three different variants as the final results, consisting of a variant of tiramisu jam filling and also a variant of regal jam filling. This study aims to determine whether any effects of using quinoa on muffin cake, to know the level of preference number by the panelist on quinoa-based muffin cake and to know the panelists’s acceptance of quinoa-based muffin cake that determined in 4 different aspects, in terms of aroma, taste, texture and appearance of the muffin cake. This research involved 56 respondents as a panelist from the Jakarta area that to be used as a sample, using a primary data collection methods through distributing questionnaires and also surveys. The type of this research method is using a research and development. Based on the results of the tests by using hedonic organoleptic and hedonic quality tests, validity tests, reliability tests, and friedman tests that quinoa-based muffin cake can be accepted and like by the number of people in Indonesia based on the number of the data are above the mean.
Keywords: Quinoa, Muffin Cake, Wheat Flour, Jam
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