Maisarah Abdul Hamid, Fauziah Deraman, Supina Supina, Khairunnisa Farhani Taufik Hafiran, Ain Syaqeerah Alya Abdul Hafiz


This research study identified the motivation factors that affect the career intention in the hospitality industry from the Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management in Malaysia. A total of 366 responses were collected using convenience sampling. A regression analysis was employed to examine the research model and its proposed hypotheses. The findings revealed that the students’ self-efficacy, emotional intelligence, and family support influence their career intentions in the hospitality industry. This study contributes to our understanding of the motivation factors that may influence students in the hospitality industry to enhance their careers in the same field.  From a practical standpoint, the hospitality industry requires talent that has skills in the hospitality industry, and higher institutions in Malaysia have offered many courses related to the industry. However, the shortage of skilled workers is still happening, especially when students who graduated from the hospitality industry prefer to be involved in other industries rather than working in the field. This study provides valuable insights for higher institutions in Malaysia to boost students’ interest and increase their employability in the hospitality industry

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