The Mie Kangkung Ny. Phang restaurant has been operating for over 7 years. The aim of this study is to explore and analyze the implementation of marketing stages applied in the Mie Kangkung Ny. Phang restaurant business, based on the results of a SWOT analysis. The data collection and research process for this thesis was conducted from February 20th to May 30th, 2024. In this study, the author employed a qualitative descriptive approach, utilizing observation, interviews, documentation, and triangulation as data collection methods, followed by SWOT analysis techniques. The research subjects included all visitors and managers of the Mie Kangkung Ny. Phang restaurant, as well as the marketing stages or methods employed by the restaurant. The findings from the research indicate that Mie Kangkung Ny. Phang implements various marketing strategies, but the most dominant strategy observed is Customer Relationship Management (CRM). The potential identified by the author is that the restaurant can attract many visitors through word-of-mouth marketing by previous customers. Another advantage of the restaurant is that it offers a unique Betawi specialty, Mie Kangkung, which is rare in the vicinity of ITC Mangga Dua. The recommendation for the management of Mie Kangkung Ny. Phang is to continue leveraging their strengths and to seize every opportunity to address weaknesses, such as considering relocating the restaurant and being vigilant about potential threats that may arise in the future.
Keywords– Marketing Strategy, Culinary Tourism, Restaurants, SWOT Analysis, Marketing Stages
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