Virtual identity in the use of Tiktok for youth in Jakarta, Indonesia

Siti Muslichatul Mahmudah, Muthia Rahayu, Kurniawan Prasetyo


In this digital era, the use of social media has grown very rapidly. The use of TikTok social media among teenagers is considered as a place where they can find their identity, so the presence of TikTok is a very interesting phenomenon among teenagers. This study aims to determine the identity of the use of virtual tiktok in adolescents in the Jakarta. This research method is descriptive with a qualitative approach by interviewing adolescent informants (15-24 years) in the Jakarta who actively use Tik Tok social media as a primary data collection technique and also conduct literature and documentation studies as secondary data. In the results of the study, social media users, especially teenagers who use TikTok can control various aspects of themselves that they want to be displayed in digital public spaces. There are several teenagers who fall into the real-life identity type and some for pseudonymity (real identity begins to blur and even fake), none of them have fully become anonymized in this study because each content they create is often held by themselves and things they enter into. It's also an identity because with their faces people will recognize them and it doesn't really matter to them if there are other teenagers who choose to become different (anonymity).


Virtual Identity, Social Media, Public Spaces, Teenagers.

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