Academic Journals requires all authors to adhere to the ethical standards as prescribed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Inclusions of a person who do not meet authorship requirement as specified by the editorial checklists or the exclusion of a person who meets the requirement is a violation of this publication ethics.
‘The practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own’ Oxford Dictionaries
Submitted manuscripts should be the original works of the author(s). Academic Journals will follow COPE guideline in suspected cases of plagiarism. All of submitted manusript will be checked by reputable and premium version of plagiarism software.
Duplicate manuscripts
"Duplicate publication is publication of a paper that overlaps substantially with one already published, without clear, visible reference to the previous publication" ICMJE Overlapping Publications, It is unethical for authors to submit a manuscript to more than one journal at the same time, either within Academic Journals or any other journal. This includes the submission of manuscripts derived from the same data in such a manner that there are no substantial differences in the manuscripts. Duplicate submission also includes the submission of the same/similar manuscript in different languages to different journals.
Fabrication and falsification of data
Fabrication, manipulation or falsification of data is a violation of this publication ethics. Academic Journals will follow the COPE guidelines in suspected cases of fabrication and falsification of data.
Citations manipulation
Authors should use only citations that are relevant to their manuscripts. Addition of references which are not relevant to the work is strongly discouraged. Irrelevant self citation to increase one’s citation is unethical. Unnecessary citation of articles for the sole purpose of “increasing” the articles’ citation is unethical. Unnecessary citation of articles from a particular journal to “increase” the journals citation is unethical
Obligations of the Author
- Article Writing Standards
The research presented must be research that contains accurate data. Articles written must be supported with adequate evidence and references. Committing fraud by loading data and inaccurate statements is a form of action that is not commendable and cannot be accepted. - Data Access
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The author must be able to ensure that the manuscripts that have been written are original works. And include citations as references correctly. - Multiple Publications
Authors are not permitted to publish manuscripts of articles describing the same research, at the same time to other journals or publications. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal, at the same time, is not commendable. - Recognition of Sources
Authors must acknowledge and include references from excerpts of manuscripts that have been published correctly. - Contributors to the manuscript
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Editor's Obligations
- Non-Discrimination
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The editor is obliged to evaluate the originality of the work. The editor manages and carries out peer reviews fairly and wisely. The editor is obliged to explain the peer review process carried out by reviewers to the authors clearly. It also shows the parts that need improvement. The editor is obliged to use the correct peer reviewer on every article manuscript received. Next submit to those who have adequate expertise taking into account the expertise of the reviewer. The goal is to avoid those who have conflicts of interest.
Obligations of Reviewers
- Reviewers help editors make decisions during the process towards publishing the manuscript. Every selected reviewer who feels ineligible to review the research to be published or does not allow for the review process, must inform the editor and resign from the review process.
- Reviews conducted by reviewers must be objective. The reviewer must explain the views clearly with supporting arguments. Personal criticism of writers should not be done.
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- Reviewers must identify that the article script has used the relevant citations and references correctly. Reviewers are also permitted to provide opinions to editors regarding the presence or absence of substantial similarities or overlaps between the manuscripts being considered and the manuscripts of articles that have been published.