Abstract: In the competitive restaurant industry, especially within casual dining setting, retaining customers retention is fundamental for long-term success. However, as customer preferences and the hospitality landscape change, its becoming more difficult to understand what drives customers to return. This study determines the customers perspectives on how restaurant attributes have signifying the revisit intentions of Malaysian customers, focusing specifically on establishments in Johor. This study highlights how attributes like atmosphere, employee service quality, perceived food quality and menu diversity can expressively enhance customer loyalty. Utilizing a quantitative approach, 386 valid responses were retained through convenience sampling. The findings of this study suggest a strong association between various restaurant attributes and customer revisit intentions within Johor's casual dining establishment. Notably, employee service quality (ESQ) and perceived food quality and menu diversity (PFQMD) emerged as significant attributes that signifying the customers' revisit intention (CRI). The findings highlight the significant of these attributes in encouraging repeat visits and offer practical insights for restaurant operators in Johor to improve their offerings and marketing strategies. Moreover, this study adds to the discussion on customer revisit intention in Malaysia and suggests ways to strengthen customer relationships in the competitive casual dining market.
Keywords: Revisit Intention, Casual dining, Restaurant attributes, Customer Perspectives
Short Authors Bio: The first and second authors are final year Hotel Management students, while the third author is an academic specializing in hospitality management, particularly food and beverage service management, with published indexed research articles, conference participation, and leadership of national grants in entrepreneurship education.
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