Benedict Benedict, Wening Ramadhani Siti Nawangwulan


Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim population in the world. In Islamic teachings, it is important for people to comply with the rules of halal food as stated in the Qur'an. However, the phenomenon of globalization has brought many foreign products and cultures to Indonesia, which causes Indonesian people to face a dilemma in choosing halal and safe food in accordance with Islamic teachings. To assist Muslims and non-Muslims in choosing halal food or products, restaurants and manufacturers need to apply halal labeling to the food products sold. Halal labeling has an influence on consumer confidence. consumer confidence affects purchasing decisions where purchasing decisions will increase along with increased trust. However, the halal food industry in Indonesia does not dominate the market. This study aims to determine the effect of halal labeling on consumer purchasing decisions in South Tangerang city restaurants. This study uses a quantitative correlation method with a data collection instrument, namely a questionnaire distributed to people who live on South Tangerang city. The results of this study indicate that the halal label has a positive influence on purchasing decisions, besides that the halal label has a significant influence on consumer purchasing decisions. Based on the results, restaurants in South Tangerang City and throughout Indonesia are expected to apply for halal certification held by goverment organization to help Muslim and non-Muslim communities choose halal food.


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