Christian Haposan Pangaribuan


This study investigates the factors influencing Indonesian travelers’ intentions to participate in volunteer tourism. Smart-PLS analyzed data to examine the mediating roles of Ascription of Responsibility and Awareness of Consequences in the relationship between Destination Attachment and Intention to Participate in Voluntourism. All hypothesized paths were significant, suggesting a complex interplay of factors influencing Intention. The findings highlight the crucial role of Destination Attachment. A strong emotional connection to a destination fosters a sense of responsibility toward its well-being, which, in turn, strengthens self-belief in one’s ability to contribute positively through voluntourism. Furthermore, a heightened awareness of the positive and negative consequences for the traveler and the destination further strengthens the Intention to participate in it. Interestingly, the path from Destination Attachment to Ascription of Responsibility and then to Intention emerged with the highest coefficient among the two indirect relationships, suggesting that for Indonesians, developing a strong emotional connection to a destination to feel a sense of responsibility towards it might be the most potent driver of volunteer tourism intentions. These insights offer valuable guidance for tourism stakeholders in Indonesia. By fostering emotional connections with destinations and promoting programs that cultivate a sense of responsibility and consciousness in volunteer tourism activities, stakeholders can effectively encourage responsible travel and contribute to the positive development of destinations.

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