This research note investigates the potential for economic growth in Penang, Malaysia, through strategic destination branding for the cruise tourism sector. Penang, a key economic hub, needs help fully harnessing its economic potential, with existing statistics indicating a troubling rise in the unemployment rate. This emphasises the need for effective economic interventions to promote growth and job creation. Despite these challenges, Penang possesses significant untapped potential in cruise tourism. The island's rich cultural heritage and strategic location make it an attractive destination, yet the number of cruise tourists still needs to grow compared to tourist arrivals. This disparity presents a unique opportunity to leverage cruise tourism destination branding as a catalyst for economic growth and employment generation. Penang could address these issues by aligning with Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG 8), which promotes sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. By addressing these issues, Penang could make significant strides towards achieving SDG 8, transforming the illusion of cruise tourism-driven economic development into a tangible opportunity.
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