Framing Strategies of News Translation Text from Indonesian to English: A Study Case of Kanjuruhan Stadium Disaster
It is common for a target text in a news translation to have a different format from the source text. These changes allow translators to frame the article to affect the perception of target readers. This paper aims to analyse framing strategy in news translation texts from Indonesian to English by using reports about the Kanjuruhan Stadium Disaster as the sample. The analysis continues to identify which issues are emphasised or understated in the translated articles through framing. This research will use the framing strategy from Mona Baker in news translation texts as the framework to examine the news reports. Previous studies discovered Baker's technique emphasises specific cultural values and understates the opposing. However, this paper concludes that the framing strategy in translating news texts serves an additional purpose. It is to refine the image of the Indonesian government after the tragic event in the eyes of the target readers. Moreover, this research also finds that the selective appropriation strategy is the most commonly used approach for these texts.
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