Nirwana Nirwana


Raya and the Last Dragon is an animated movie with an adventure theme from Walt Disney Studio which was released in 2021. This movie tells the adventures of a character named Raya who lives onhis birthland named Kumandra. Raya begins her journey to find the last dragon named Sisu to help her defeat an enemy from darkness named Druun and unite the Kumandra again. In this movie, youcan see the design aspects of local wisdom, background,culture, life values and tradition that are still strong andare very authentic and related to the daily life of people in Southeast Asia and one of them contains aspects of Indonesian culture. Therefore, this movie has norms values that reflect the identity of the Indonesian nation in the Southeast Asia region. This study aims to find out how the role of Southeast Asian culture is formed and influences the people in assessing Southeast Asian culture, especially culture from Indonesia. The research method was grounded theory approach and the datais taken from the scene of the movie. The research results show that there are cultural elements that are shown through the values in the Movie Raya and The Last Dragon in the form of character design, asset design and background. These assets are able to build the people’s perception of the culture of Southeast Asia and Indonesia.


Cultural identity, Nusantara Movie, Raya and the last dragon

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