Analysis of the Preservation of Chinese Culture in Tehyan Village Tangerang

Rina Maryana Goven, Salsa Pratama Wijaya


Indonesia, known as the "Country of a Thousand Islands," boasts a diverse array of ethnicities. The presence of numerous ethnic groups has endowed the Indonesian nation with rich racial and cultural diversity. It's widely recognized that Chinese people have long inhabited Indonesia, bringing with them not only their culture but also influencing Indonesian language, customs, and religion. In the city of Tanggerang, there exists a strong Chinese cultural presence in a village known as "Tehyan Village." The primary aim of this village is to preserve Chinese culture. Therefore, the author seeks a deeper understanding of the preservation status of Chinese culture in this village and the strategies employed for this purpose. This research uses a mixed-method approach through surveys, interviews, and literature review to gather relevant data. The findings indicate that TEHYAN Village employs various strategies to preserve Chinese culture, including the use of social media platforms. Additionally, cultural artifacts such as the Tjong Tek Bio pagoda, Tehyan musical instruments, and Cokek Sipatmo dance are utilized as forms of cultural preservation. The village regularly celebrates Chinese cultural festivals such as the Spring Festival, Winter Solstice, Dragon Boat Festival, Lantern Festival, Qingming Festival, Double Ninth Festival, and Hungry Ghost Festival. Furthermore, performances of Tehyan musical instruments and Cokek Sipatmo dance are common in the village, most of the people who participated in the activities in this village were young people in the Tehyan village. Due to the active participation of Tehyan Village people in every event organized by the village, the preservation of Chinese culture in Tehyan Village can be considered robust.


Chinese culture; Tanggerang; village; preservation status; preservation strategies

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