Analysis of Teaching Strategies for Online Chinese Comprehensive Courses (Study Case on Chinese Department of Bunda Mulia University)

Shihping Chan, Fransisca Fransisca


Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Indonesian universities have been compelled to exclusively employ online teaching methodologies. The transition to online instruction, necessitated by the circumstances, has introduced a distinct paradigm compared to traditional offline modalities, characterized by variances in both instructional approaches and learning environments, thereby prompting the adoption of divergent pedagogical strategies. However, preceding the implementation of online classes, a comprehensive pedagogical framework to guide instructional practices was lacking, rendering educators bereft of established principles. Consequently, the utilization of inappropriate teaching strategies poses a risk of diminishing student engagement and enthusiasm for learning. This study endeavors to ascertain the efficacy of teaching strategies employed during online comprehensive courses and their congruence with student requisites. The research focus is directed towards students enrolled in grades one through four within the Chinese Language Department at Bunda Mulia University. Methodologically, this investigation encompasses the review of scholarly literature alongside classroom observations. The research findings delineate three primary inadequacies within the teaching strategies deployed during online comprehensive courses at Bunda Mulia University. These include the absence of preparatory and review phases, inadequate stimuli to cultivate Mandarin language proficiency, indicative of inefficiencies in instructional efficacy, and a misalignment with student expectations. Notably, prevailing instructional methodologies predominantly feature lecture-based and practice-oriented approaches. In light of these observations, several recommendations are proffered. These include advocating for the diversification of teaching methodologies, ensuring the alignment of course content with the foundational principles of comprehensive course pedagogy, meticulous curation and management of course materials, incorporation of the six principal stages of comprehensive courses, and the perpetuation of a holistic instructional approach throughout the teaching process.


Online teaching; Indonesia; Chinese comprehensive course; Teaching strategies

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